John Dean To Congress: Extend Statute Of Limitations On Torture Crimes

On tonight's Countdown Former White House Counsel for Richard Nixon, John Dean, joined Keith Olbermann to discuss the recently revealed 2004 Bush DoJ

On tonight's Countdown Former White House Counsel for Richard Nixon, John Dean, joined Keith Olbermann to discuss the recently revealed 2004 Bush DoJ secret memo endorsing torture. As always, Dean gets at the heart of the Bush administration crimes, giving a stellar rundown on their shameless behavior, shameful interpretations of the Geneva Conventions and their attempts to persuade Congress to change the laws in order to gain immunity for their crimes -- to which Dean adds:

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Dean: "...Not only should the congress not cede to their requests, they ought to extend the statute of limitations for another five years, make it a ten year statute of limitations so people would have vulnerability if these can be surfaced and dug out, because it's the only way to make the point that indeed, these are real laws. Otherwise it's a joke to even have them."

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