Conservatives Slam Obama Over Flag-less Lapel

Yesterday, in response to a question from a reporter suspicious of why he wasn’t wearing an American flag pin on his lapel, Barack Obama explained

Yesterday, in response to a question from a reporter suspicious of why he wasn’t wearing an American flag pin on his lapel, Barack Obama explained his belief that for some, the pins became a substitute for “true patriotism.” The senator said he would instead “try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testimony to my patriotism.”

I didn’t expect leading conservative voices to understand, but I didn't expect this kind of stupidity, either.

(Nicole) MSNBC: (N)o story screams "Drudge creation" more than this silly Flag pin lapel "controversy" involving Obama. And yet, watch how much air time the silly traditional media will give this and ignore the Bush Administration's brazen violations of international law and humanity.

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