"Christian Nation" Mumbo Jumbo Cleared Up Once And For All.

Well, one can hope. Garry Wills and I are both believing Christians, though certain fundamentalists would argue that, since Wills is Catholic and I'm

Jesus USA White Well, one can hope. Garry Wills and I are both believing Christians, though certain fundamentalists would argue that, since Wills is Catholic and I'm Quaker, we don't count. His interview on Fresh Air (NPR) Thursday was the strongest and most lucid argument FOR the separation of Church and State I've ever heard: separation of Church and State ENCOURAGES religious practice among individuals, rather than stymies it.

In a new book about the constitutional separation of church and state, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Garry Wills insists that that separation was meant as "the great protector of religion, not its enemy."

The entire interview is about twenty-five minutes long and well worth the listen.

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