Mike's Blog Round Up
Willkommen! Bienvenue! Welcome! Here at the C&L Cabaret it's time for the Blog Roundup Revue! No use in sitting alone in your room by the PC -- in
Willkommen! Bienvenue! Welcome! Here at the C&L Cabaret it's time for the Blog Roundup Revue! No use in sitting alone in your room by the PC -- in here, life is beautiful! Let your Master of Ceremonies, Steven at Die Meinung Muhle, show you. And we're obliging -- if you don't like the songs of Kander and Ebb, you can try this little ditty that's perfect for the War On Terror.
Black waters run deep, and Blackwater's waters run very deep and smelly indeed . Read all about it while this jolly song runs through your head.
Pretty soon it will be time to set ourt clocks back, but maybe instead we should set the Democratic Party leadership forward. And while we're at it, upgrade the party frontrunner to a more appealing model and engage in some serious class warfare .
It is so hot here at the C&L Cabaret that we constantly have to battle to keep the women from taking off all of their clothes. So stick around. Today, we may lose the battle -- whoops!
Nice documentary you have there, Mr. Burns, but we need a lot more.
HOLY CRAP: In our WIngerweek Roundup we find that the Big Guy In The Sky doesn't put out the way he used to for the GOP. And the Bible-bangers of this lovely little town are on their way to learning that anti-gay bigotry carries a hefty price tag .
BOOK NOOK: Science fiction master Norman Spinrad (Bug Jack Barron, The Iron Dream) has written a near-future novel about an Islamist terrorist and is having a spot of trouble finding a publisher. He's posted the first third of the novel online and gone on YouTube to explain his take on 9/11 and the War On Terra. And in more multimedia fund, here's Todd Gitlin talking about his new book, The Bulldozer and the Big Tent .
Well, that's all for this week, mein Herrs and Heroines. It's been a groove and a gas and I thank Mike for the opportunity to make you all rue the day you shelled out for DSL. The secret password and the keys to the cabaret are being turned over to Jamie for the coming week.
So, in closing, I'd like to leave you all with this positive inspiring message:
The holidays will be here before you know it, and books like this make wonderful gifts.
Auf wiedersehen.