Mike's Blog Round Up
Thanks to all for the positive response to my first-ever round-up here on Crooks and Liars yesterday! Not one person sent me an email calling me a "m*
Thanks to all for the positive response to my first-ever round-up here on Crooks and Liars yesterday! Not one person sent me an email calling me a "m**************r" without appending a "j/k" to it! Once again your humble blog round-up narrator is me, Alex that is, from Martini Revolution. Sunday is typically a slow day in the blogosphere, but I think we have enough material to keep the round-up going. If you have prospective material for tomorrow's round-up, I can be reached at alexde AT gmail DOT com.
The Washington Post ran an article about melancholy Bushinistas leaving the White House. Are the departed walking automatons of felony? Or simply trying to avoid depression? Meanwhile, a conservative blogger can't see how this is any different from departures during the Clinton administration, so I provide a couple of hints.
Rob deconstructs Hitchens most recent attempt at reclaiming humanity, along with Hitch's Orwell fetish. While initially sympathetic, he finds a predictable self-serving slant and lack of honesty in Hitch's endeavor. Rob writes great stuff, check this out.
It seems Barrack Obama didn't wear a flag lapel pin the other day, leading at least one blogger to post a gallery of scumbag faux-patriots sporting the required enamel flag in lieu of possession of any personal integrity. Of course, none of them were falsely accused of attending a radical madrasah and being indoctrinated into radical Islam -- just convicted of toe-tapping his way into a vice squad bathroom bust.
Meanwhile, strangely familiar parallels emerge in Iraq between the construction of our new embassy and the rest of the TARFU-afflicted neocon misadventure over there. Despite recent proclamations of victory from wingnuttia, people continue to die in numerous incidents daily over there.
If you're anemic and in need of your daily dose of irony, Mike took a couple minutes off from playing music to email a link to this gem about Larry Craig's "super tuber" from wonkette. Although this looks like something Sara Silverman might have made up, it seems to be real.
BONUS! Good lord: an atheist rapper.