The Wørd: On Torture Fatigue

[media id=2767] [media id=2768] (h/t Heather) Stephen Colbert--in his own inimitable style--accuses the media of having torture fatigue for complet

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Stephen Colbert--in his own inimitable style--accuses the media of having torture fatigue for completely ignoring the story of the secret torture memos in favor of navel gazing on debates and the presidential race.

Not one of these shows did a roundtable on the legality of naked stress positions in frigid temperatures. Because, folks, what the president does is no longer the story. The story is who will be the next guy to detain enemy combatants.[..]

Why pay attention to him? And the less people pay attention to him, the more he can do all the things that he doesn't want people to pay attention to. So ladies and gentlemen of the media, by all means, focus on what percentage Fred Thompson will beat McCain among moderate, conservative, pro-gun lobby, anti-socialized healthcare, pro-anti-immigration reform, Hispanic nursemaids. Please, keep treating the president like a lame duck and that will allow him to be the mightiest duck this nation has ever seen.

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