Mike's Blog Round Up

Happy Thursday to all! By now most of you know this, but to newbies this is Alex, guest-hosting the roundup while neglecting my own malenky blog, Mar

Happy Thursday to all!

By now most of you know this, but to newbies this is Alex, guest-hosting the roundup while neglecting my own malenky blog, Martini Revolution.

A little terse, after attending to an ailing parent yesterday, so let's jump right in:

The nets react to Hillary Clinton – she obviously has not won everyone over, though some of her recent remarks were clearly taken out of context.

The new GOP Convention logo undergoes much-needed changes to reflect the Cult of Bush/Cheney's obvious devotion to the Old Ones from the Nameless Void.

While, unlike the GOP, she is not a devotee to Cthulhu, Echidne expands on the use of fear (of He from the nameless void?) as a weapon by the Bush cult.

Speaking of fear, there's lots of fear in Iraq, especially of foreign mercenaries acting with impunity on Iraqi soil. Sid Blumenthal explains how this came to be.

Finally, Bush demands blanket amnesty for the undisclosed criminal actions of telecom companies who complied with his illegal orders. Speaking of criminal actions, Alberto Gonzales lawyers up while reportedly facing possible charges of lying to Congress.

Especially sorry today to those who submitted links yesterday, but things were a little hectic in this corner of Blogtopia. If you have anything you'd like to submit for the blog roundup, drop an email to alexde AT gmail DOT com.

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