President Carter On Giuliani's Iranian Policy: "He's Foolish"

[media id=2780] [media id=2781] or YouTube (h/t Scarce) Jimmy Carter sat down to discuss diplomacy and foreign policy with Wolf Blitzer. Wolf, who

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Jimmy Carter sat down to discuss diplomacy and foreign policy with Wolf Blitzer. Wolf, who has yet to meet a White House talking point he didn't love, counters Carter's advice of discussion and diplomacy with a clip of Giuliani showing his warlust for Iran. And bless his "I walk the walk of my beliefs" heart, when asked what he thought of Giuliani, Carter had this to say:

CARTER: He's foolish. I hope he doesn't become President and try to impose on the American people a conviction that we need to go to war with Iran, when we're still at war with Iraq.

BLITZER: Do you believe that Iran is working on a nuclear bomb?

CARTER: I don't know. I think if they are-some people have surmised that they are-they're several years in the future. And I think we can best deter that by diplomatic relations with them and consultations with them and stop threatening that we're going to attack them so they won't think they'll have to respond with all kind of devices.

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