FOX News: Gore Derangement Syndrome
[media id=2831] [media id=2832] (h/t Scarce) Awwww, the poor widdle neo-cons have their pretty pink knickers in a twist over being forced to call A
Awwww, the poor widdle neo-cons have their pretty pink knickers in a twist over being forced to call Al Gore "Mr. Nobel Laureate". It's so hard to be on the absolutely wrong side of EVERY issue, isn't it? As the comedy duo of Kristol and Krauthammer try to detract from Gore's win by dismissing his work as "bloviation," smearing him by association with other award winners (I note with no little amusement that Krauthammer names Arafat but NOT his buddy, Kissinger) and denouncing the Nobel Committee as some sort of leftist organization--pretty much throwing up as much mud as possible to see what sticks.
The sole voice of sanity (and that's not saying much), Juan Williams accuses the blood-thirsty, amoral war-mongers Bush apologists (nah, I don't like them very much, can you tell?) of enjoying their little wine (whine?) of sour grapes. Me? I think it's Gore Derangement Syndrome...they are just out of their head because they backed the wrong horse. Think for a moment they'd be so dismissive if Bush or Petraeus had won the award?