Real Time Overtime: "Sweet Jesus, I Hate Tucker Carlson" Edition

[media id=2823] [media id=2824] (h/t Heather) On the online exclusive Real Time Overtime, Bill Maher discusses with guests Paul Krugman, Tucker Carl

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On the online exclusive Real Time Overtime, Bill Maher discusses with guests Paul Krugman, Tucker Carlson and Joy Behar on the politicization of the Justice Department and the attempt to apportion California’s electoral votes.

But the proverbial you-know-what in the punchbowl is Tucker Carlson. I don't know exactly where Tucker's beliefs lie (some odd amalgamation of libertarian/conservative views, if I had to guess), but it appears that they are fungible enough to simply be the opposite of conventional wisdom. I suspect that they are less his ideology than his thinking that by arguing the opposite, he is somehow intellectually superior. But actually, he simply gets off on being the contrarian jerk in the room. In this clip, he dismisses the entire conversation by citing some absurd extreme and accuses everybody of Bush Derangement Syndrome.

We already have a fantastic site "Sweet Jesus, I Hate Bill O'Reilly," doesn't it seem time for Tucker to get the same treatment?

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