Frost Parents Talk About The Right's Jihad Against Their Son On Countdown
In their first television interview since Michelle Malkin, Rush Limbaugh and others on the right decided to crucify their 12 year old son and swift
Bonnie and Halsey Frost, with much the same grace and dignity shown by Shawn Hornbeck's parents after their son was victimized by Bill O'Reilly, tell Keith about dealing with the attacks, including death threats, and debunk all the lies that were spread about their family by the rabid right. To bring this whole disgusting episode into perspective, Keith showed heartbreaking pictures of Graeme and his sister Gemma in the hospital shortly after their horrific accident -- bringing full circle the REAL ISSUE -- which is the SCHIP program that made it possible for the Frost children to get the care and ongoing therapy they need, and is so desperately needed by millions more American children.
How can you look on these poor, broken bodies after the car crash and be heartless enough to say they don't deserve the benefits they received? How can you look at those children hooked up to a hundred devices and tell their parents that they should lose their home, or their children deserve their fate? Never allow the Republicans to call themselves the pro-life party if they have no problem begrudging these children their right to life.
UPDATE: (Nicole) True to her heartlessness, Michelle Malkin (I'm not linking her because she deserves your contempt, not your hits) has this to say:
The Frost parents finally made a wise choice and decided not to put their son on Olbermann. Instead, they appeared to field Olbermann's softball questions about the "lunatic fringe."
Olbermann prodded the family to supply pictures of their children in the hospital recovering from their terrible accident. The photos were displayed as Olbermann and the couple complained about the Right's "distraction" techniques.
It really doesn't get much lower or much cheaper or much sadder than this.
Oh yeah, Michelle, you traitor to motherhood, you've just proven how much sadder it can be. How dare you? Speaking as a mother, I pray with every bone of my liberal body that you never, ever spend one day as the Frosts have, hoping against the odds for the recovery of their children. I can't look at those pictures and not have tears for the pain they must have felt--that's what becoming a mother has done for me--I want to take care of children. You, on the other hand, can't get your horrible partisan brain out of your horrible partisan tush to see any pain, just your own pathetic attempt to raise your own profile among those who could not care less about anyone other than themselves.