Rep. Joe Knollenberg's CoS Goes Nuts On Constituent Activist

You know, this legislatin' thing would be fun if it wasn't for those pesky constituents... Bruce Fealk, a blogger and political activist in Michigan,

You know, this legislatin' thing would be fun if it wasn't for those pesky constituents...

Bruce Fealk, a blogger and political activist in Michigan, has apparently been a thorn in the side of Joe Knollenberg (R-Of Course), who is currently running for re-election. At a recent stop to do a little meet and greet with the common people, Fealk asked Knollenberg about his votes for keeping troops in Iraq and against SCHIP. Knollenberg's tactic is to simply ignore Fealk.

But Knollenberg's Chief of Staff Trent Wisecup is not quite so fact, he lets loose with a barrage of insults that show just how nasty and dismissive he views anyone not toeing the Republican line...either that, or he's just overdosed on Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. You just know this is exactly what most of these politicos are thinking, only Trent's not smart enough to clam up in front of a camera.

Sadly, Knollenberg appears to be happily indifferent to his constituency, and when questioned, resorted to the same kind of ad hominem attacks like his CoS.

The scarecrows adorning Main Street in this affluent Detroit suburb are symbolic of the frightening times ahead for Rep. Joe Knollenberg and other Republicans as they prepare to block a broad expansion of children's health insurance this week.[..]

Few Republicans have more to fear than Knollenberg, a former insurance agent whose nearly 15-year grip on Michigan's 9th Congressional District has never been as weak. His customary double-digit victories shrunk to 5 percentage points in 2006. Now, he's saddled with an increasingly unpopular war and president. Being perceived as voting against kids doesn't help.[..]

When Knollenberg ventured inside Lytle Pharmacy on Saturday to shake hands, Fealk was waiting. "When are you going to end the war, Joe?" said Fealk, wearing a white T-shirt that read, "ENOUGH."[..]

Knollenberg will have none of that. Although the bill coming back to the House on Thursday won support from 45 Republicans last month, he calls it "the Pelosi health care bill" after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. It's "a pile of loose parts that depends on 22 million new smokers in America to pay for taxpayer-funded health benefits for illegal immigrants," he says.

But wait! It gets better! Trent Wisecup then emails the Politico to tell them what is "pro-" and "anti-" American. Guess where on the spectrum Wisecup places MoveOn? We have provided a "Contact Congress" widget on the right may want to consider sending a (polite, please) email to Rep. Knollenberg about the fascist working for him. (h/t Brandon)

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