Mike's Blog Round Up

Hello, again. Michael Stickings of The Reaction coming to you from north of the border -- Toronto, to be precise. And now, to the links: Memeorandu

Hello, again. Michael Stickings of The Reaction coming to you from north of the border -- Toronto, to be precise.

And now, to the links:

Memeorandum is one of the indispensable sites for bloggers. At least it's indispensable to me. The top item (with four main links) right now -- and I'm writing this at 10:58 pm ET, two minutes to Jon Stewart -- concerns Michelle Malkin's press-stopping announcement that she will no longer frequent Bill O'Reilly's folk-ridden funhouse of fearmongering fascism. Apparently there's nothing more important going on in the world -- but at least this headline from New York Magazine is amusing: "Michelle Malkin Quits O'Reilly After Nasty Three-Way." That's Malkin, O'Reilly, and Geraldo, and I'm sure to have nightmares the rest of the week.

John posted on this yesterday, but, if you just can't get enough of all this inside-the-right mayhem, see Sadly, No! and Comments from Left Field.

Elsewhere on the right, Rush is miffed about the whole Gore-Nobel thing. Seems he was nominated, or nominated himself, or whatever, and thinks he should have won. Yeah, sure. See Pensito Review and Liberal Values for more. It's getting uglier and uglier over in wingnut territory, is it not?

For more on Gore, Reaction co-blogger Capt. Fogg discusses Gore Derangement Syndrome (via Krugman) at his fine homeblog, Human Voices. (Yes, I know I have a crush on Gore. I am aware.)

You know, let's keep this focused on the right. Over at Only Sayin', Powder Monkey (presumably a pseudonym) looks at why Jimmy Carter is so hated and why conservatives just can't keep their flies done up. Lengthy but good reads.

Short but sweet: The Opinion Mill's Steven Hart reports that yet another "winger" has been "hoisted on his own petard": the mayor of Bogota, New Jersey, a whipper-upper of "anti-immigrant hysteria" caught with his own illegal immigrants. D'oh!

Finally, it's been a tough time for the good people at Lawyers, Guns and Money, and our thoughts are with them. It may have nothing to do with what has happened, but check out some Deposed Monarch Blogging to learn all about the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

Contact me at mjwstickings [at] yahoo [dot] ca.

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