Mike's Blog Round Up

Good day, everyone. Michael from The Reaction again. I mentioned yesterday that I live in Toronto, and, indeed, some of you may know that I'm Canadian

Good day, everyone. Michael from The Reaction again. I mentioned yesterday that I live in Toronto, and, indeed, some of you may know that I'm Canadian. (You know, my American friends, our dollar is worth more than yours now. Hoo-wah!) Well, there are some really good Canadian bloggers who, like me, write about U.S. politics and on topics of interest to Americans. There are too many to include here, but I thought I'd mention a few, with posts of note:

John at Dymaxion World: Right-wing revisionism, past and present -- armchair warmongers, including Jonah Goldberg.

Chet Scoville at The Vanity Press: (Canadian) Mark Steyn, Michelle Malkin, and the language of eliminationism.

Dave at The Galloping Beaver: Our Conservative government was planning "to build a government-controlled briefing room" to control the flow of information... until it got caught.

Cerberus: Our Conservative government is stressing that Canada is not a "safe haven" for terrorists. Which is the reverse of what what it stressed when it was in opposition. Wait -- what? -- conservatives using the hyped-up treat of terrorism and the trumped-up war on terror for wedge-inducing partisan purposes? Canada... just like the U.S.? Say it ain't so!

Red Tory: It was five years yesterday since the authorization of military force against Iraq, and there was a letter in WaPo from 12 former Army captains noting that "Iraq is in shambles" and that "it's time to get out." Needless to say, the right is out in force attacking these courageous troops.

Back in the good ol' U.S. of A., Melissa McEwan defends Ann Coulter at Shakesville. Huh?! Well, sort of. She defends Coulter against Maxim's puerile, pointless attacks on "her alleged physical flaws". Coulter may be "odious" -- and that's putting it nicely -- but "being misogynist, transphobic assholes in response doesn't actually improve anything."

Skippy (of Bush Kangaroo fame) notes that the lawsuit brought against An Inconvenient Truth in Scotland was funded by... wait for it... "a powerful network of business interests with close links to the fuel and mining lobbies." Of course. Leftopia's Lefy looks at "the new three branches" of the American state: corporations, media, and the government. It's the business of fascism, and it's playing in real life all around you.

Finally, Reaction co-blogger J. Thomas Duffy, one of the funniest people in the blogosphere, lists the top ten things overheard while Rush Limbaugh's nomination was being reviewed by the Nobel committee. You can find it over at The Garlic.

Contact me at mjwstickings [at] yahoo [dot] ca.

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