Countdown On Bush's Presser: Iran Irrelevancy & World War III

On Wednesday's Countdown, Keith Olbermann does a mash up of President Bush's train wreck press conference yesterday morning where he fought tooth and

On Wednesday's Countdown, Keith Olbermann does a mash up of President Bush's train wreck press conference yesterday morning where he fought tooth and nail with the press to desperately force relevancy upon himself.

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The Washington Post's Dana Milbank helped run down the follies, including Bush's refusal to--or sidestepping of--questions on torture and Israel, being grilled by his own paper, The Washington Times, and his ill-advised use of the term World War III in reference to Iran and its nukulur program -- prompting Keith to ask if it's possible the president isn't in control of all his faculties or if he's seriously working on some sort of fundamental, biblical checklist.

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