Hardball: Buchanan And Maddow On Larry Craig--"Compassionate Conservatism" On Parade

[media id=2894] [media id=2895] (h/t Heather) On Wednesday's Hardball, Chris Matthews brings on Pat Buchanan and Rachel Maddow to discuss what shou

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On Wednesday's Hardball, Chris Matthews brings on Pat Buchanan and Rachel Maddow to discuss what should be Larry Craig's future in the Senate. While Rachel did a great job of trying to make it clear that the issue with Larry Craig is not that he has allegedly committed homosexual acts, but it was the hypocrisy of condemning others for the same acts, Pat Buchanan remained defiantly obtuse to the end, even managing to get his digs in on Democrats. However, the last statement by Chris Matthews is simply puzzling.

BUCHANAN: He has not - I don't know that he has denounced...some individual homosexual. He has said ‘this is an immoral lifestyle.' Now you yourself would say that he can't help the fact if he's attracted to this sort of thing. And it's either nature or nuture. But it's something over which he may have had no control and then to say to fall to that is to fall to an unnatural, immoral lifestyle-I don't see the inconsistency. I see a failed human being who may not be able to face the truth about himself, who's got a horrible situation with his wife, who needs his friends with him and whose party dumped him, except for Arlen Specter, I think. Maybe some of the guys up in Idaho stood by him for a while and when it comes to the final thing, if you're going to condemn him and/or censure him, which I think is too strong...I think condemnation like what was done to Barney Frank would be justified and I think but it's not what ...

MATTHEWS: They ended up actually, Pat, they ended up censuring Barney. They went all the way with that one.

BUCHANAN: They censured the other fella up there, what's his name up there...

MATTHEWS: Gerry Studds

BUCHANAN: Yeah, they did that and he wound up Chairman of a committee; that's the Democratic standard.

MATTHEWS: Pat, I now think I've seen the face of compassionate conservatism. It is your face.

Um, WTF???

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