Mike's Blog Round Up
Michael from The Reaction here. So much good stuff, let's get right to it: Mustang Bobby at BBWW: Don't ignore the Malkins and Coulters of the world,
Michael from The Reaction here. So much good stuff, let's get right to it:
Mustang Bobby at BBWW: Don't ignore the Malkins and Coulters of the world, make fun of them. (And, I would add, call them out on their bigotry and stupidity.)
Pam with the steamin' House Blend: Oh no! Sexual addition among female fundies! Internet porn! Masturbation! Good times.
Maha of Mahablog: Dalai Lama Derangement Syndrome.
Libby Spencer at The Impolitic (who also blogs at my place and at the very fine Newshoggers): Bush's new "Family Planning czar," yet another anti-sex wingnut. See also Thought Theater.
The Gun Toting Liberal: American Oligarchy -- Verizon, AT&T, and the corporatist police state.
Eric at Total Information Awareness: The insurgency in Somalia, and the brutality of America's allies in the region. (Yes, Bush is destroying America's image everywhere.)
Finally, L-girl at We Move to Canada reacts positively to the Doris Lessing Nobel win.
I'm sorry I can't link to everyone, but keep the e-mails coming: mjwstickings [at] yahoo [dot] ca