George Bush Does Not Want You Thinking About Sick Children.

And while Congress turns the children's healthcare debate into a contest over which fully covered by health insurance legislator can express the mos

And while Congress turns the children's healthcare debate into a contest over which fully covered by health insurance legislator can express the most outrage, The White House puts its satin sleep mask on. Again.

Rockridge Institute: George Bush doesn't want you to think about sick children. He wants you thinking about the fine print of health insurance policies. He wants us to debate types of coverage, premiums and the size of networks, and whether we can afford catastrophic, comprehensive, limited, mini-med or scheduled health insurance. But George Bush doesn't want you thinking about all the sick children left behind in America. And insurance companies don't want you thinking about all the children who they won't help, just so they can maximize profits. ...The Rockridge Institute has produced a video spot that dramatizes the way in which our current health care system is based on excluding part of the American family -- concluding with the provocative question: "Which one of your children would you leave unprotected?"
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