It's "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week"!

C'mon, kiddies, let's put out the decorations and bake a cake! Someone is actually paying Rick "Man-on-Dog" Santorum to speak to universities, and no

C'mon, kiddies, let's put out the decorations and bake a cake!

Someone is actually paying Rick "Man-on-Dog" Santorum to speak to universities, and not to mock him, surprisingly enough:

"I am enormously grateful for the opportunity to speak at three of Pennsylvania's great universities. While the sounds of opposition to the war are heard frequently on our college campuses, I plan to offer a perspective our students rarely hear - my views on who our true enemies are, what they believe, and why it is so important to defeat them," said Santorum.

"Rick Santorum has been the most courageous and outspoken public figure in America alerting all of us to the true nature of the enemy we face," said David Horowitz, founder of the Freedom Center, and organizer of "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week," which includes events at over 100 schools across America.

Oh....this is organized by David Horowitz. 'Nuff said.

As an actual college professor, Juan Cole of the University of Michigan, has noted, the Islamo-Fascism label makes no sense:

Fascism is not even a very good description of the ideology of most Muslim fundamentalists. Most fascism in the Middle East has been secular in character, as with Saddam Hussein's Baath Party. Fascism involves extreme nationalism and most often racism. Muslim fundamentalist movements reject the nation-state as their primary loyalty and reject race as a basis for political action or social discrimination. Fascists exalt the state above individual rights or the rule of law. Muslim fundamentalists exalt Islamic law above the utilitarian interests of the state. Fascism exalts youth and a master race above the old and the "inferior" races. Muslim fundamentalists would never speak this way.

Remind me again how many times these neo-cons have been right? Oh that's right, zero. I'm sure parents will be thrilled to know their tuition dollars are going towards instilling ignorance, hate and fear in their children. Will Bunch has the whole sordid affair.

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