1 Out Of 56 Is Not 'Most'
At the GOP debate the other night, Mike Huckabee made an odd claim. "When our founding fathers put their signatures on the Declaration of Independenc
At the GOP debate the other night, Mike Huckabee made an odd claim.
"When our founding fathers put their signatures on the Declaration of Independence, those 56 brave people, most of whom, by the way, were clergymen, they said that we have certain inalienable rights given to us by our creator."
"Most" of the signers were clergy? Is that true? Actually, no.
Only one of the 56 was an active clergyman, and that was John Witherspoon. Witherspoon was a Presbyterian minister and president of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University).
A few more of the signers were former clergymen, though it's a little unclear just how many.... We'd like to give Huckabee every benefit of the doubt, but even if you consider former clergymen among the signers the best you could come up with is four. Out of 56. That's not "most," that's Pants-on-Fire wrong.
It's a common problem at the Republican debates -- why let facts get in the way of a perfectly good soundbite?