Hardball: Is President Bush Holding Democrats Hostage?

[media id=2952] [media id=2953] (thanks to Heather for videos) On Tuesday's Hardball, CBS contributor Nancy Giles and the NY Times'** Paul Krugman

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On Tuesday's Hardball, CBS contributor Nancy Giles and the NY Times'** Paul Krugman discussed the Democrats' inability to stop the occupation of Iraq and their apparent fear of confronting the worst president in our history.

Giles thinks the Democrats suffer from a kind of battered politician syndrome and are just taking baby steps, but Krugman says that while it's unforgivable, some party members say they don't need to worry about not ending the war immediately because Democratic voters will never vote for Republicans who want to expand the disaster in Iraq into Iran.

**corrected, thanks to all who called it to our attention

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