
That's right. Eleven zeros. New estimates out this week by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office place the cost of the Iraq occupation through

That's right. Eleven zeros. New estimates out this week by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office place the cost of the Iraq occupation through 2017 at 2.4 TRILLION dollars, or put another way, $8,000 for every man, woman and child in the US. And that does not include the interest on the foreign loans being used to finance it so that the top 1% can still enjoy their tax cuts.

Remember Wolfowitz claiming that the war would pay for itself? HA!

The House Budget Committee held a hearing today to discuss the growing costs of this occupation. Get this: the Republicans on the committee didn't even bother to show up.

Rep. Doggett from The Gavel:

Rep. Doggett: "I assume, by Mr. Ryan being here, that every member of this panel, including every Republican member on that side of the aisle where all the seats are vacant, received notice about this hearing about the cost of war in Iraq?"

Chairman Spratt: "I'm sure they did."

Rep. Doggett: "And when was this notice of the hearing sent out?"

Chairman Spratt: "Seven days ago, as required by the rules."

The Gavel also provides these comparables:

$2.4 trillion is enough to:
· Provide every college freshman in the country with a free, four year education at a private college or university
· Provide health care coverage to every American for one year
· Pay off 26% of our current national debt

And the Republicans want to tell us they're the Party of Fiscal Responsibility? What are they smoking?

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