Fires And FOXNews' Fear Factor

[media id=2966] [media id=2967] (h/t Logan) Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow discuss Pravda's FOXNews's Fox & Friends laughably pathetic attem

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Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow discuss Pravda's FOXNews's Fox & Friends laughably pathetic attempt to scare their viewers by suggesting a link between Al Qaeda and the wild fires in Southern California, which (surprise, surprise) parallel Bush's own exaggerated claims on his "success" in fighting the "war" on terror.

KO: Why are these guys and the rest of the right so in love with the trappings of patriotism and at the same time, helping Al Qaeda by manufacturing these super-human powers that Al Qaeda supposedly has? [..]

RM: They have to come up with super-human powers for Al Qaeda because they want to use Al Qaeda to justify a super-extreme agenda for the United States of America. If you really, really want to radically transform our government and radically transform who we are as a country; if you want East German style policing, and people informing on their neighbors, and you want to get rid of the Fourth Amendment, and you want endless wars conducted for profit; if you want to completely get rid of the safety net function and the regulatory function of the government; if you have an agenda that radical, you better have a really radical justification for it. And so they have to elevate this band of death cults, fundamentalist criminals into a threat that is greater than the Soviet Union ever was when they not only had a military but they had thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at our country. They have to make Al Qaeda even worse than that.

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