Top Defense Industry CEOs Earn Combined $1 Billion Since 9/11
Ike tried to warn us, I wonder if he really believed his predictions would come true so quickly. His warnings cannot be repeated enough. Via Truthd
Ike tried to warn us, I wonder if he really believed his predictions would come true so quickly. His warnings cannot be repeated enough.
Via Truthdig:
Not to stoke any of the inane conspiracy theories running wild on the Internet, but if Osama bin Laden wasn’t on the payroll of Lockheed Martin or some other large defense contractor, he deserves to have been. What a boondoggle 9/11 has been for the merchants of war, who this week announced yet another quarter of whopping profits made possible by George Bush’s pretending to fight terrorism by throwing money at outdated Cold War-style weapons systems.
Thanks to bin Laden and Bush’s exploitation of “war on terror” hysteria, the taxpayers have been hoodwinked into paying for a sophisticated military arsenal to fight a Soviet enemy that no longer exists. The Institute for Policy Studies calculated last year that the top 34 CEOs of the defense industry have earned a combined billion dollars since 9/11; they should give bin Laden his cut. Read more...