Mike's Blog Round Up

Well, I'm SteveAudio, and it's time for my last jam session here. I want to thank Mike, Nicole, bluegal, and especially Il Maestro, John. It's been fu

Well, I'm SteveAudio, and it's time for my last jam session here. I want to thank Mike, Nicole, bluegal, and especially Il Maestro, John. It's been fun this week, and I look forward to doing it again sometime.

When the wind blows. . . Fall-out shelters? Nuclear war with David Bowie as the soundtrack?

I will let you down, I will make you hurt. . . waterboarding is controlled drowning in which fluid enters the lungs, and it carries with it the risk of brain damage, internal trauma and death. But that's not important right now. I faxed my Senator, DiFi; here is the letter and her addresses.

Oh, you're so down home girl. . . Did Hillary play the "gender card", or is she, you know, a girl? And has Hillary forgotten the "Vast Right-wing Conspiracy?"

And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmastime. . . Do Evangelicals see Africa as the path to theocracy? And speaking about Africa, is Obama Black enough, or intolerant? Is he tough enough?

If I were a king, if I had everything . . . Only one word to say. Rudy. Oh, and what about Bin-Laden. Wasn't that him I saw over there?

Eat me, drink me, this is only a game. . . Some dietary advice: Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!!! And a heck of a good film.

It's been a blast, hope everyone had some fun, I know I did. Stop by my place when you get a chance, we (my co-bloggers and I) try to inform and entertain, and hopefully don't step on our tongues too often. Oh, and have someone walk you to your car when you leave tonight. Some guy with a saxophone has been wandering the parking lot muttering to himself.

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