Anti-Gay Anti-Muslim Campaign Mailers In Virginia

PageOneQ h/t Group News Blog: Jill Holzman Vogel is a nationally recognized lawyer in Republican political circles. She has held senior posts in the

Jill Vogel PageOneQ h/t Group News Blog:

Jill Holzman Vogel is a nationally recognized lawyer in Republican political circles. She has held senior posts in the Republican Party and in the Bush administration, including Chief Counsel to the Republican National Committee and Deputy Counsel at the Department of Energy. Call it a payoff for her work during November and December of 2000, when Jill served as counsel in the Florida Presidential Recount, acting on behalf of the Bush-Cheney campaign in West Palm Beach and in Osceola County.

She's running for Virginia State Senate, and during this last weekend of the primary campaign she has unleashed an anti-gay, anti-Muslim campaign flyer, with little to no time left for a rebuttal from her opponent.

The flyer is here, and it quotes advertising used by the image consultant hired by Vogel's opponent.

There is no earthly reason to do this except to point out that this consultant is proud of its record getting a Muslim candidate elected, as well as a lesbian candidate. Playing the anti-gay, anti-Muslim cards is the reason for this flyer, period.

Ironically (?) Vogel's husband is a lobbyist for Viacom. Viacom, which airs Queer as Folk, The L Word, TransGeneration, and the cartoon Rick & Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple In All The World, some of the most gay-friendly programming on TV today.

Really, this is such a stinking hypocritical and typically Republican cesspool you really have to read it for yourself.

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