Condi Rice: U.S. Is OK With Iran Having Nuclear Power: Updated!

[media id=3176] [media id=3177] The Bush administration has taken a staunch "no nukes" approach to Iran, rarely differentiating between nuclear pow

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The Bush administration has taken a staunch "no nukes" approach to Iran, rarely differentiating between nuclear power and weapons, but when asked about Iran's nuclear program this morning on This Week, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice claims that the U.S. has absolutely no problem with Iran having nuclear power, they just need to give up their goal of producing nuclear weapons.

Uh oh, I think somebody is going to be getting a nasty phone call from Dick Cheney very soon...

Rice: "...We have not even rejected the idea that Iran should have civil nuclear power and in fact, would be prepared under certain circumstances to participate in that. They just have to give up the fuel cycle -- the enrichment and reprocessing that can lead to the technologies that can lead to a nuclear weapon.

Rice is also asked about the Kyl/Lieberman amendment and if the Bush Administration intends to use it as an excuse to invade Iran. Condi reassures Stephanopoulos that the president's powers to protect the country are fully intact -- essentially saying he doesn't need the amendment to invade, but that they had no plans to move on it. Um, why doesn't that reassure me?


John Amato:

"I'll be going on Sam Seder's Sunday radio show at 2PM PST with Glenn Greenwald and Digby for about 45 minutes to discuss Giuliani & Pat Robertson & Bernie Kerik---the Mukasey confirmation debacle and the Telecom Immunity deal to name a few topics...Click here to listen to it online...

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