O'Reilly: Truth Is Anti-American. Mark Cuban: "Bill O'Reilly Is A Moron "

[media id=3211] [media id=3212] Guess which one C&L agrees with? First up on Billo's 'attack the far-left list' Monday night was the Seattle Po

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Guess which one C&L agrees with?

First up on Billo's 'attack the far-left list' Monday night was the Seattle Post Intelligencer. See, back in Aug the FBI asked the Seattle media to run a photo of two men who looked "like they could be Middle Eastern. Or Latino. Or Italian. Or any of several other nationalities/ethnicities" that the Feds said had "been seen on several ferries and seemed "overly interested in the workings and layout."" So only after thoughtfully weighing the need for ferry security against the men's civil liberties and privacy the SPI editor chose to run "a story about the FBI's alert," but he chose not to publish the photographs, and Billo's been attacking him repeatedly on his show ever since.

So last week when one of the Seattle PI columnists wrote that she could understand how a disturbed young man could see "the church as an oppressive institution" Billo really got his loofah in a bunch, and just like he has done so many times before, he sent his flunkies out to ambush the editor at his home to ask him about it. Unfortunately the SPI editor must not really be from the "far left" or else surely he would have known KO's 3 magic words to use should anyone ever find O'Reilly's goons in their face with a camera: Malmedy, Mackris, and loofah.

Apparently the ambush wasn't enough to satisfy Billo, so he then set his sights on Mark Cuban for financing the new movie "Redacted" for its depiction of atrocities committed by some of our soldiers in Iraq, and Cuban had a few choice words to say about it. Note to Billo, this film is not going to incite any more anti-American hatred than the actual criminal actions of a few bad soldiers already did, and nothing could be more anti-American than pretending to report the news and acting like that never happened, and attacking those who won't. Sweeping the horrors of war under the rug is not the supporting the troops. A public that better understands those horrors is what a democracy needs so that it never unnecessarily sends our soldiers into war in the first place.

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