Mike's Blog Round Up

Greetings and salutations, vixens and villains. Melissa McEwan, High Priestess of the Cult of the Feminazi Cooter at your service once again, having j

Greetings and salutations, vixens and villains. Melissa McEwan, High Priestess of the Cult of the Feminazi Cooter at your service once again, having just emerged from our top secret headquarters in an undisclosed location after the usual Wednesday morning ritualistic sacrifice of a snowflake baby. I tell ya, it's always work, work, work disseminating our radical agenda. Catapulting the propaganda alone sometimes takes all morning. Anyway, time for the round-up. Git along, little dogies:

First, it's come to my attention that in Sunday's round-up, I inadvertently pointed to Jill's post twice, without pointing to Mustang Bobby's at all. Here is the corrected line: Mustang Bobby kicks around Giuliani and his BFF Bernie. (Sorry, MB!)

CREW: Where are all the missing emails? What's taking so long? What gives?

Tom Hilton reports that there are two kinds of Republican sex—and both of them are illegal, of course.

Maha happily finds that Jonathan Cohn makes a "Best Case Against Universal Health Care" only to demolish it.

Tara Smith shares an inspiring story about turning misfortune into opportunity; perhaps similar guerilla campaigns just like this one to raise awareness about medical donations could help countless numbers of people.

Michael Stickings passes on useful instructions on how to respond to global warming deniers, if "Damn, you're a brainless moron not worth my time" doesn't appeal to you.

eRobin has got the latest Scene from the Class Struggle on Capitol Hill (and an associated action item).

Ed is fed up to the teeth with "honest mistakes" and the collection of useless, warmongering miscreants who want to continue to make them with impunity.

And some Quick Hits: Fluffy TarantulasConservatives Have No ClothesA Tale of Two Countries … and Accursed Tree Murderers.

Seeya tomorrow! If you've got any hot tips, email me at shakespeares_sister at Comcast dot net.

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