Mike's Blog Round Up

Happy Saturday, rascals and rogues. Melissa McEwan of Shakesville, coming to you one last time with bits and baubles from around the blogosphere. Than

Happy Saturday, rascals and rogues. Melissa McEwan of Shakesville, coming to you one last time with bits and baubles from around the blogosphere. Thanks so much to Mike for giving me the opportunity to spend some time with you, and thanks to Nicole for her help and patience. I had an absolute blast, and I hope to see some of you at Shakesville in the future! Off we go…
David Kurtz, on the subject of McCain's "How do we beat the bitch?" incident, wonders How do Republicans get away with it?

Cara, meanwhile, notes that McCain is using The Bitch to make The Man some money. Watch for McCain on the next episode of Pimp My Ride, when he has the Straight Talk Express tricked out into the Straight Talk Pimpmobile.

Digby discusses what was the most embarrassing moment of the latest Dem debate, only to update with an even more embarrassing moment. Ezra notes the galling hypocrisy of a network having spent a week lambasting Hillary for planting a question about global warming themselves planting a question about jewelry.

Fixer has a great story about an animal rescue and the organization that made it possible. Mannion offers up a great puppy dog tale, too.

Madison Guy makes my blood run cold with a chilling hypothesis about Cheney's future. Robot overlords, indeed!

Portly Dyke writes a splendid post explaining how to f--k up.

And Kevin Hayden says Gag me with a Constitutional Protector!

That's all for me, folks! Your next cruise director will be Manila Ryce from The Largest Minority. You can send tips to him at john[dot]william[dot]harrison [at] gmail [dot] com. Toodles!

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