Late Edition: Suzanne Malveaux Thinks You're The Winner Of The Last Dem Debate

[media id=3271] [media id=3272] (h/t David) The condescension towards the intelligence of the America public that Suzanne Malveaux displays in this

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The condescension towards the intelligence of the America public that Suzanne Malveaux displays in this post mortem on the CNN Democratic Debate last week is simply breathtaking.

You know I think the other winner too was really the audience, because they played such a significant role. I mean, twice they were...they booed Senator Edwards, they booed Senator Obama, and really I think kind of framed and changed kind of the tone of the debate, because you saw Edwards take a back seat after Hillary Clinton went after him on mudslinging. And you saw Obama on the defensive here, and that largely had to do with the role the audience played.

The role the audience played, Suzanne? You mean the one where CNN decided that in the face of crippling deficits and trade inbalances, of an endless bloody occupation of a sovereign nation, a growing climate crisis, being the only western nation without universal health coverage, a disappearing middle class, failing educational standards, the thing that the American public are MORE interested in is whether Hillary prefers diamonds or pearls?

No, Suzanne, the audience was most assuredly the loser in this one.

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