Mike's Blog Round Up

I'm Manila Ryce from The Largest Minority. Today's my birthday so I'm typing this in my birthday suit. Only one of the statements from the previous se

I'm Manila Ryce from The Largest Minority. Today's my birthday so I'm typing this in my birthday suit. Only one of the statements from the previous sentence is true.

As a follow-up, Noam Chomsky weighs in on the Annapolis negotiations which no one seems to be taking seriously. Perhaps it's because the legitimate Hamas government isn't invited or because no one expects the Bush administration to do something productive after neglecting peace talks for years... or maybe Annapolis just sounds like a boring place to visit.

Speaking of casualties of occupation and bad vacation spots, The Omnipotent Poobah reminds us that "supporting the troops" means a bit more than plastering yellow ribbons on the vehicle which started this whole mess to begin with. I gather it also means funding the war and wearing flag pins on your lapel.

A recent poll I just made up suggests that 82% of Crooks & Liars readers love Dennis Kucinich, and that a full 100% are in love with Elizabeth Kucinich. As a unifier, I'm here to satisfy both sides with " You Can't Get More Presidential Than This!" an article which dispels the defaming comments slung at the most democratic of the Democrats and his equally respectable wife. This Esquire article from earlier this month is also worth your time.

Like Hillary and Dodd at the last debate, Musharraf knows that national security is more important than human rights. The role of an ally is to push our agenda against the will of their citizenry. Because of us, Pakistan learned that 9/11 changed everything. Perhaps we can learn from them by dressing up a bit. Never have protesters looked so professional.

Both the Republican and Democratic Party maintain that socialism is an evil to be avoided. Albert Einstein disagrees with them, arguing that capitalism is the source of evil. But what does that crazy moonbat know about anything anyway?

If you're a Nigerian prince who wants to give me two million dollars or submit a story, email: John (dot) William (dot) Harrison (at) Gmail (dot) com

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