Mike's Blog Round Up

Hey ladies. My name is Manila Ryce and I'm a Scorpio. My hobbies include listening, playing shirtless guitar, and blogging at The Largest Minority. I

Hey ladies. My name is Manila Ryce and I'm a Scorpio. My hobbies include listening, playing shirtless guitar, and blogging at The Largest Minority.

It's time for some Thanksgiving leftovers. Ivan from Hip-Hop is Read prepared one hell of a bird stuffed with rap lyrics, Bill Maher, and the always enlightening Mumia Abu-Jamal. There's plenty of truth to go around. Take as much as you want and stop flirting with your cousin.

For those of you interested in Tofurkey instead because you think redirected consumption is the answer to environmental degradation, Socialism or Your Money Back would like to have a word with you. If you simply prefer Tofurkey because you enjoy the taste, well that's just weird.

Bush allowed over 150 executions to take place as governor of Texas, but as president he sure is comfortable with pardoning turkeys. Pottersville examines why the Bush admires Pakistan's cock of the walk so much.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein has a nostalgic poo-flinging Thanksgiving story I think we can all relate to. Monkeys might not make good passengers, but they're great storytellers. The Doctor has a staff of millions banging away on typewriters.

Yikes! is hosting the last edition of Carnival of the Liberals for the year, and possibly forever if the rapture comes. The topic is the Separation of Church and State and why it's a groovy thing. Some of your favorite Godless heathens are there.

Submit your jibba jabba to: John (dot) William (dot) Harrison (at) Gmail (dot) com

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