Mike's Blog Round Up
Hi, This is Bob Morris from Politics in the Zeros guest blogging this week. My blog covers antiwar, global warming, peak oil, and the political inters
Hi, This is Bob Morris from Politics in the Zeros guest blogging this week. My blog covers antiwar, global warming, peak oil, and the political intersections thereof. All the causes are linked, it seems to me. If we stop spending billions on wars, then we can spend it here to create clean, renewable energy. Send tips and links to bob at polizeros dot com.
The CEO of a Houston investment bank says Peak Oil is real and happening now.
Michigan doctor Catherine Wilkerson goes on trial tomorrow for felony assault for attempting to give medical aid to a protester rendered unconscious by police at a protest. Defend Wilkerson.
Kevin Rudd, the just-elected new leader of Australia, says global warming will be a main priority. Are you listening, US presidential candidates?
Britain has denied asylum to Uzbek dissident Jahongir Sidikov and plans to send him back where he will face torture. Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray is trying to mobilize support for Sidikov before it's too late.
Psst, there's a Liberal Conspiracy in Britain now.
Send tips this week to bob (DOT) morris (AT) gmail (DOT) com. (Hint: it does not have to be from your own blog. If you see something great, pass it on...)