Populism For The Masses? Or Just White Guys?

I'm not a fan of the circular firing squad and usually avoid commenting on things like that, but I cannot pass this one up. Huffington Post's Tom Eds

I'm not a fan of the circular firing squad and usually avoid commenting on things like that, but I cannot pass this one up.

Huffington Post's Tom Edsall did a round up of popular Democratic pundits, asking if Democratic presidential contender John Edwards is really emblematic of the populism that the Democratic party claims they stand for.

Not to take anything away from Edwards, who I agree is a good candidate as far as populist ideals are concerned (and that doesn't mean that there aren't others--stay with me here), but look at this list of pundits interviewed:

The Huffington Post sought comment on this question from a number of political writers, activists and scholars, including (David) Sirota; Al From, CEO of the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC); Robert L. Borosage, co-director of the Campaign for America's Future; Larry Bartels; Lawrence Mishel, President of the Economic Policy Institute (EPI); Time's Joe Klein; Paul Krugman of the New York Times; Chris Bowers of Open Left; Harold Meyerson, executive editor, American Prospect; John B. Judis, senior editor, the New Republic; Kevin Drum, contributing writer, Washington Monthly, and blogger Political Animal; Ruy Teixeira, fellow, Center for American Progress (CAP) and The Century Foundation; Michael Kazin, professor of history, Georgetown University; Andy Stern, President, Service Employees International Union (SEIU); and Matthew Yglesias, Atlantic.com.

Notice anything? Do you think it would be perhaps instructive to ask that question of...oh, I don't know, maybe a woman or a minority? I mean, c'mon...Tom Edsall asks Joe Klein (!!!) but can't ask a single woman or person of color their opinion? Shameful. It's almost as if they assume that the female and minority votes are locked up by other candidates.

Taylor Marsh has more...

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