Mike's Blog Round Up

More blog links from Bob Morris of Politics in the Zeros (where I blog about antiwar, global warming, Left politics, etc.) Subtopia, the amazing "fie

More blog links from Bob Morris of Politics in the Zeros (where I blog about antiwar, global warming, Left politics, etc.)

Subtopia, the amazing "field guide to military urbanism," has the scoop on the migrant detention center being built at Gitmo to house 10,000 people in case, y'know, there's a boat crisis or something.

Hawaii activists convinced a sugar plantation to burn sugar cane scrap to fuel an ethanol plant rather than coal. Using local biomass is way more carbon-friendly as it eliminates shipping coal from the mainland and the traditional burning of cane in the fields - and also saves the owner money. So, everyone wins. We need more solutions like this.

Ecosocialism joins green with red, saying we need new economic structures to deal with global warming and peak oil.

4th Generation Warfare is the military doctrine that says small, non-state players can damage and sometimes defeat much larger, more powerful forces - something with direct relevance to all manner of conflicts today.

And who would have guessed My Boyfriend is a Twat, her hilarious (and totally workplace safe) blog, would turn into a book?

Send tips to bob (at) polizeros (dot) com.

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