State Dept's Iraq Status Report A Compilation Of Major News Articles

Americablog shows just how much the State Dept's “Iraq Weekly Status Report” (pdf) is filled with sloppily credited cut and pastes from major medi

Americablog shows just how much the State Dept's “Iraq Weekly Status Report” (pdf) is filled with sloppily credited cut and pastes from major media articles.

While I wouldn't go so far as John Aravosis does to call it "plagiarism," as the sources all do appear to be cited in the report's endnotes, it is disconcerting at the very least that our State Dept. relies so heavily on the same news outlets we do, and what the hell are the more than 1,600 State Dept employees in Iraq doing that they don't submit enough information back to State so they can file their own report instead of regurgitating articles from the same so-(wrongly)-called 'liberal media' that the Bush administration loves to hate?

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