Mike's Blog Round Up

Bob Morris of the leftie tree-hugging Politics in the Zeros here with more links for you. Coffee, tea or torture? U.S. Company Jeppersen Dataplan is

Bob Morris of the leftie tree-hugging Politics in the Zeros here with more links for you.

Coffee, tea or torture? U.S. Company Jeppersen Dataplan is being sued for arranging logistical support for CIA torture flights but our freedom-loving government of course wants the suit dismissed because the documents are "classified."

Media conglomeration often creates unmanageable companies says Oligopoly Watch. Thus big media companies often end up fracturing into smaller pieces whether they want to or not. Works for me.

A solar power tower is a wondrous thing indeed. Acres of photovoltaics and mirrors reflect sunlight to a solar reflector at the the top of a giant obelisk, creating steam from piped-in water thus powering the turbines.

The V.A. is overwhelmed. Claims can take months, sometimes years, to process. During that time, the veteran gets no medical help. Since 90% of claims are accepted, let's provisionally accept claims and get vets the help they need fast.

HeadZup has the inside scoop on why Trent Lott is resigning. (And don't let the door hit you on the way out, Trent.)

Send tips to bob (at) polizeros (dot) com

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