Karl Rove Blames Tom Daschle For 2002 Iraq Resolution
[media id=3414] [media id=3415] This morning on Fox News Sunday, Karl Rove--who is quickly becoming the laughing stock of Washington-- appeared wit
This morning on Fox News Sunday, Karl Rove--who is quickly becoming the laughing stock of Washington-- appeared with Rep. Chris Van Hollen (chair of the DCCC) to talk politics. When the discussion turned to Iraq, Van Hollen seized the opportunity to confront Rove for his failed attempt to blame the Democrats for pushing the White House into voting on the 2002 Iraq war invasion resolution. Rove's response? Why, it was all the fault of former Democratic Senator, Tom Daschle. What?
Yes, the truth finally comes out -- the tyrannical, warmongering Tom Daschle was out on the news shows in 2002, beating the drums of war and eventually the Bush administration, with his boot to their throat, relented and let the Democrats have their war.
Van Hollen reads a statement from former White House Press Secretary, Ari Fleischer, who refutes Rove's claims, but missed the opportunity to bring up Andrew Card, who not only refuted Rove's claims, but used him as a punchline earlier this week. Rove kept spinning, but eventually, host Chris Wallace put an end to the discussion. Let's hope Turdblossom stays out there making a fool of himself for as long as possible...
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