Mike's Blog Round Up

Good morning. I'm Lance Mannion and I want to put you behind the wheel of a brand-new Toyota Prius. I'd like to put me behind the wheel of a brand-new

Good morning. I'm Lance Mannion and I want to put you behind the wheel of a brand-new Toyota Prius. I'd like to put me behind the wheel of a brand-new Toyota Prius too. But I can't. I have to make-do with my old rusted heap of a Taurus wagon and you'll have to settle for following the links as I continue my week guest hosting the blog round-up here at Crooks and Liars.

I blog about politics, popular culture, unpopular culture, and popular mechanics at my blog, so don't be surprised if one of my links this week takes you to an article on small engine repair or the latest trends in oragami.

Not today though. Today we've got:

At echidne's place, Olvlzl looks at the tiny house movement and the work being done by a group called the Mad Housers, a volunteer organization that builds tiny houses for the homeless.

At corrente, lambert wonders if the Iraq War for Oil is going to be the first successful business venture that George W. Bush ever pulled off.

Roy Edroso, suffering a crisis of confidence, is wondering if his movie reviews are up to snuff. To answer the question, he compares his review of No Country for Old Men with that of noted the noted film critic and aesthete, Jonah Goldberg.

Maha distills Michael Kinsley's analysis of Fred Thompson's and Mike Huckabee's problems trying to pass themselves off as real conservatives to the "conservatives" who make up the Republican Right in a post titled Republicans and the T Word.

On the subject of Thompson, a lot of people were shocked by Fred Thompson's somnambulistic turn at the last Republican debate. Not Bob Stein though. Bob sees Thompson's sleepwalking through the campaign as part of a sly like a fox plan to differentiate himself from the hyper-active Rudy Giuliani and the frenetic screwing-up of George W. Bush and "doze all the way to the White House."

And nature writer and blogger Chris Clarke takes a walk under the earth at Creek Running North and Striking Emmy Award-winning comedy writer and blogger Ken Levine lists a few good things that have come out of the TV writers strike.

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