FNS: Huckabee Pedals Around His AIDS Quarantine Statement
[media id=3513] [media id=3514] Every once in a while Chris Wallace surprises me. You can see the hint of journalist rather than the White House sa
Every once in a while Chris Wallace surprises me. You can see the hint of journalist rather than the White House sanctioned propagandist. Chris asked Republican presidential contender Mike Huckabee about his 1992 statements questioning whether we might consider quarantining AIDS patients as a potential public health risk, and Huckabee tried to dance around it, claiming that back then we just didn't understand the risks. Now, if Mike had made those statement 10 years earlier in 1982, that might have been believable, but as Chris Wallace points out:
But Governor, forgive me, I don’t think that’s right. All the way back in 1985- this wasn’t political correctness--the Center for Disease Control, seven years before you made your statement, said that AIDS could not be spread by casual contact.
Oops. As PERRspectives points out, even Ronald ("AIDS? What's that?") Reagan refuted Huckabee's extremism--in 1987.