Meet The Press: Mistresses Should Get Secret Service Protection Too!

Somehow, I don't think Judith Nathan Giuliani should feel too comforted by that... [media id=3526] [media id=3527] (h/t Dan) Continuing his surpri

Somehow, I don't think Judith Nathan Giuliani should feel too comforted by that...

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Continuing his surprisingly confrontational interview with Rudy Giuliani, Tim Russert asked about the stories about Judith Nathan's police protection as his girlfriend. Rudy's response was less than satisfactory, putting the onus on the decision to get protection strictly on the security, not him, and based on threats to his family and loved ones' lives. The only problem is, as Tim points out, the timing doesn't quite work out, as Judy had protection long before his affair with her was known. It's a shame that Tim doesn't follow up with a question on the hiding of the security expenses in obscure departments if the security was indeed at the behest of NYPD.

The money quote for me is when Russert asks Giuliani if by using his logic, presidential mistresses were entitled to Secret Service protection as well and Giuliani says they should.

Uh oh, Judy...that just doesn't bode well.

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