Mike's Blog Round Up

Good morning, reality fans. Hope the caffeine is treating you well. I’m Brad Jacobson of MediaBloodhound, your round-up guest sommelier for the week

Good morning, reality fans. Hope the caffeine is treating you well. I’m Brad Jacobson of MediaBloodhound, your round-up guest sommelier for the week. I normally traffic in media critiques, reports, and satire over at my site. But, in this role, anything goes. Well, within reason of course. (Had to decline posting a link to David Brooks’ erotic love poetry. Sorry, Mr. Brooks. Though The New York Times tremendously underappreciates your rhyming ability.) Without further adieu:

Michael J.W. Stickings calls out “moral degenerate” Jonah Goldberg, after the L.A Times columnist declares, “Iraq needs a Pinochet.” Stickings also provides an excellent roundup of other voices in the blogosphere responding to Goldberg’s shameless piece.(Update: I meant to frame this as a flashback, a reminder of chickenhawk Jonah Goldberg's documented idiocy and anti-democratic pronouncements. Instead, in my post-move sleep-deprived state, I accidentally made it look like I was having a flashback. Apologies.)

Now that we know Democratic members of Congress – including Nancy Pelosi, Jay Rockefeller and Jane Harman – were briefed on waterboarding and other torture, er, uh, interrogation techniques five years ago, Robert Stein aptly reminds us of the Milgram experiments from the ’60s.

Great catch by Zaius Nation: President Bush says, "Iran was dangerous, Iran is dangerous, and Iran will be dangerous if they have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon," but forgets his own feckless contribution in providing such knowledge. And so does the media.

So you want to be a doctor but don’t believe in the “germ theory of disease transmission”? No More Mister Nice Blog applies the metaphor to postdoctoral biology researcher and creationist Nathaniel Abraham, who’s currently suing his former employer, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, for $500,000. (Holy crap, is right.)

I’m not sure if including a shout-out to great investigative journalists who need donations to continue their work (welcome to America!) will be a running theme this week, but I just stumbled across a very interesting article about the fearless Greg Palast, who works in his New York office “in journalistic exile” while being celebrated in the U.K. (Allen Ginsberg’s assessment a much younger Palast’s poetry is worth the read alone.)

And don’t miss what Michael Moore cut out of Sicko because no one would believe it. (h/t Avedon Carol.)

Until tomorrow. Send those tips and suggestions to mediabloodhound (at) yahoo (dot) com.

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