Mike's Blog Round Up

Good morning. Brad Jacobson of MediaBloodhound here. Today, we’ve got an electric mix of outrage, activism, debate, satire, oratory and, of course,

Good morning. Brad Jacobson of MediaBloodhound here. Today, we’ve got an electric mix of outrage, activism, debate, satire, oratory and, of course, cat juggling. All right, on to the links:

Chris Hedges writes brilliantly on “Why We Resist” (h/t AfterDowningStreet) and here's how you can resist Congressional Democratic support for $70 billion more in Iraq.

Larisa Alexandrovna covers two stories about the evil that men do (one involving U.S. interrogators, the other Halliburton).

Some progressives (h/t Digby) argue holding Pelosi, Rockefeller and Harman responsible for their silence on torture will torpedo investigations of the destroyed CIA tapes. Glenn Greenwald is unconvinced, as is Digby. And Lindsay Beyerstein finds holes in Pelosi’s defense. What do you think?

Top Ten Bushisms of 2007! (h/t The Blog Report.)

Lee Stranahan presents Mike Huckabee's latest TV ad.

Al Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech: “It is time to make peace with the planet.” (Also, don’t miss CNN’s John Roberts bring up the “fair and balanced” Global Warming Hypocrite meme seconds later.)

I’m out. See ya tomorrow! Send post suggestions to mediabloodhound (at) yahoo (dot) com.

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