Countdown: Bushed! On Lunatics, Contempt & More Blackwater
[media id=3580] [media id=3581] (h/t Heather) The latest installment of Bushed! on Countdown takes us back to a happier time when there were only o
The latest installment of Bushed! on Countdown takes us back to a happier time when there were only one or two scandals per week. First, the White House pressured the EPA to reduce the number of times companies had to report that they had released toxic chemicals into the environment, which, according to the GAO, will lead to 22,000 fewer reports per year and a lot less oversight. Next, it was onto today's vote by the Senate Judiciary Committee to issue contempt citations for Karl Rove and Josh Bolten for their refusal to testify on the US Attorney purge scandal and finally more Blackwater. Secretary of State Condi Rice stood up and accepted responsibility for Blackwater's slaughter of 17 unarmed Iraqi citizens -- she may have taken responsibility, but she has yet to take the fall:
Olbermann: "So you'll be resigning, then?"