Mike's Blog Round Up

Here’s your wakeup call (h/t commenter ysbaddaden). Thought you might need that. Know I did. Brad Jacobson of MediaBloodhound here, the guy who won'

Here’s your wakeup call (h/t commenter ysbaddaden). Thought you might need that. Know I did. Brad Jacobson of MediaBloodhound here, the guy who won't be invited to ABC News’ Christmas party. But that’s OK. Let somebody else get stuck at the punchbowl with George Will. And now, on to the links:

Regret the Error's best of the worst of 2007 media mistakes and corrections.

Happy Valley News: “CIA Admits It Destroyed Entire Third Season of Saved by the Bell.”

Scholars & Rogues presents a journalist’s story: “Back then, news people ran newspapers. Today, they decidedly do not. Corporations do.”

Mr. Rogers is mad as hell and he’s not going to take it anymore. Plus, the Freeway Blogger deals with the long (crooked) arm of the law.

Entering the file marked “If Life Were Only Like This on a Regular Basis,” Shaheen is forced to step down as Clinton co-chair after his Obama remarks.

Actor212 of Simply Left Behind may not be Alan Greenspan, but he knows stagflation when he sees it.

Crooked Timber thinks Ed Balls has quite a pair for suggesting a common sense approach to teaching foreign languages.

That’s all, truth-seekers. Send those post suggestions to mediabloodhound (at) yahoo (dot) com.

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