Markos Moulitsas Talks FISA And The Frightened Majority On Countdown

[media id=3589] [media id=3590] Markos Moulitsas of The Daily Kos and Newsweek joined Keith Olbermann on Friday's Countdown to talk about the FISA

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Markos Moulitsas of The Daily Kos and Newsweek joined Keith Olbermann on Friday's Countdown to talk about the FISA fiasco and the feckless Senate Majority? Leader Harry Reid, who is prepared to once again cower to the worst president in American history and give him everything he wants in the new FISA bill, including amnesty for the telecommunications companies.

Markos, like the rest of us, was at a loss as to why the Democratic majority seems to be so afraid to stand up to the minority party and their president. He also says that the Democrats shouldn't fold like a cheap card table every time the Republicans threaten a filibuster -- when what they really should be doing is MAKING them actually filibuster so that America can see exactly who is blocking progress in Washington.

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