Christmas Comes Early For Rupert Murdoch the FCC puts a big bow on consolidated media ownership. In spite of widespread public opposition. In opposition to basic human decency and commo the FCC puts a big bow on consolidated media ownership. In spite of widespread public opposition. In opposition to basic human decency and common sense.

Free Press: FCC Chairman Kevin Martin is ignoring the public will and defying the U.S. Senate. His decision to gut longstanding ownership rules shows once again how the largest media companies — with their campaign contributions and high-powered lobbyists — are corrupting the policymaking process at the expense of local news coverage and independent voices.

“Martin’s FCC relied on slanted research and a rigged process to reach today’s preordained outcome — local media wrapped in a bow for Tribune, News Corp., Gannett and all the rest. Read more...

One has to wonder how much outrage Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Neil Cavuto will be allowed to express over this obvious capitulation to their boss big media ownership. After all, we all know what happens when any "little guy" stands up to the suits upstairs...

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