Huckabee: Campaigning As Your Theocrat In Chief

Mike Huckabee has released a new campaign ad that is, how shall we say...not very campaign-y, except in a very dog-whistle kind of way. Makes you a

Mike Huckabee has released a new campaign ad that is, how shall we say...not very campaign-y, except in a very dog-whistle kind of way.

Makes you all warm and fuzzy, don't it? Okay, maybe not, but at least it's not as overt as this ad. Campaigning as the Theocrat in Chief makes a lot of people nervous. Street Prophets:

Lots of establishment types like to say there's nothing new under the sun with respect to religion and politics. In December 2004, White House speechwriter Michael Gerson told journalists that George W. Bush's religious rhetoric was the same old thing we'd always seen: "I don't believe that any of this is a departure from American history." Three months earlier Rev. Richard John Neuhaus, editor of the ecumenical journal First Things, declared of Bush's religious politics: "There is nothing that Bush has said about divine purpose, destiny and accountability that Abraham Lincoln did not say. This is as American as apple pie."

If this is apple pie, the fruit is rotten.

Both of these men were wrong, and their position is dangerous. As in end of the American experiment in democracy dangerous. How do I know? My colleague, Kevin Coe, and I ran the numbers. Read on...

PERRspectives compiles 10 More Moments in Mike Huckabee's Extremism. And Ron Paul tells FOX & Friends in no uncertain terms how he feels about the not so hidden symbolism in Huckabee's ad.

UPDATE: Uh oh. I think that Huckabee might want to bring that WWJD attitude back home a little more before he pushes it to the electorate.

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