Mike's Blog Round Up

[And we do mean MIKE...welcome home, Mr. Finnigan, Sir. -- C&L staff and sitemonitors] Twelve weeks and twelve great bloggers later, I'm back fro

[And we do mean MIKE...welcome home, Mr. Finnigan, Sir. -- C&L staff and sitemonitors]

Twelve weeks and twelve great bloggers later, I'm back from my marathon, fifteen-nation, European jaunt. As the poet said, "I'm tired but I'm clean." Gonna spend the next couple days tipping my hat to the talented people who guested while I was away.

Political satire has become nearly impossible in the Age of Bush, but not for the ingenious Jon Swift.

Get off the cross we need the wood, Dept....Over at The Opinion Mill, Steve notes that ignoring wingnuts sometimes just exacerbates their pathological delusions.

Paging Merle Haggard: Alex believes the bottle has let us all down.

I'm always enlightened by The Reactions of Canadian, Michael J. W. Stickings and cohort...

TS at Instaputz illuminates one of the chronic failings in wingnuttia; the notion that good intentions relieve them of any responsibility for the disastrous results of their actions.

Simply Left Behind:Renewable energy? I think not...

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